Sunday, 12 March 2023

Comparision between the HO scale, and the real FMG 9-44CW unit 003.

Some images of the real FMG 9-44CW unit 003 as delivered in November 2007 against some images of the same locomotive number 003 from Athearn in HO scale as a part of their Genesis 2 range which also included a number of US class one railroads.


Front on images of the prototype General Electric 9-44CW Fortescue Metals Group 003 on the left, and the Athearn Genesis HO scale model of the same unit on the right.


LHS images with the prototype on the left and the model on the right.

LHS cab view with the prototype on the left and the model on the right.

For a full review of this model, see the February 2023 edition of Australian Model Railway Magazine.

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